School Song

Like a family you will always be a part
Of my thinking and heart

As I walk trough life I will shine your light
Ever mindful of my humble start
Although I am unique I will always seek
Respect for all those I meet

Harmony with everyone will make my life complete
Mount Royal evermore let your standers prevail
Trough out the world trough out my life compassion

Will not fail

With an open mind I know I will find knowledge

Trough all my years

Whether far or near I will always hear the
Sound of your voice in my ears
As I live my life I will always strive to be

All that I can be

Hail to thee Mount Royal thanks for

Shaping me

Mount royal for ever more let our wisdom ring true
Trough out the world I'll live my life a testament to you
We the Mount Royal school will learn to live
And side by side will always stand
We will walk the halls of learning to

Clarify our vision
The flame of truth is burning
For our faith will never die

We are the children of Mount Royal together we will stand